Authors: Sebastian Gibb [aut, cre], Paul Ahrens
[aut, dtc], Daniel Steinbach [aut, dtc], Maria Schmidt [aut, dtc],
Thorsten Kaiser [aut, dtc], Mark Wernsdorfer [dtc], Matthias Nauck
[dtc], Stefan Bollmann [dtc], Thomas Hildebrandt [dtc]
Last modified: 2024-03-07 08:43:33.649335
Compiled: Thu Mar 7 08:45:43 2024
.pn <- function(x)prettyNum(x, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE)
create_graph <- function(x, years, icd9 = FALSE) {
## to overwrite the global environment (<<-) is bad style but grViz doesn't
## find these variables in the function environment
years <<- years
excl <<- attr(x, "exclude_message")
excl <<- gsub(">=", "≥", excl)
excl <<- gsub("<=", "≤", excl)
lbl <<- attr(x, "label_message")
lbl <<- gsub(">", ">", lbl)
necases <<- .pn(attr(x, "exclude_cases"))
necbc <<- .pn(attr(x, "exclude_cbc"))
nlcases <<- .pn(attr(x, "label_cases"))
nlcbc <<- .pn(attr(x, "label_cbc"))
icd <- if (icd9) "ICD9/10-CM" else "ICD10-GM"
graph <- "
digraph flowchart {
graph [splines = ortho];
// consort nodes
node [shape = box, style = 'rounded,filled', width = 2, height = 0.5, fillcolor = '#7589af'];
Enrollment [label = 'Enrollment']
Allocation [label = 'Allocation']
Analysis [label = 'Analysis']
// visible nodes
node [shape = box, style = rectangle, width = 2, height = 0.5];
n1 [label = '@@1-1\\n@@3\\n@@2-1'];
n2 [label = 'Excluded:\\l- @@1-2\\l @@2-2\\l- @@1-3\\l @@2-3\\l- @@1-4\\l @@2-4\\l- @@1-5\\l @@2-5\\l- @@1-6\\l @@2-6\\l'];
n3 [label = '@@1-7\\n@@2-7'];
n4 [label = '@@4-1\\n@@5-1'];
n5 [label = '@@1-9\\n@@2-9'];
n6 [label = 'Excluded:\\l- @@1-10\\l @@2-10'];
n7 [label = '@@4-3\\n@@5-3', width = 3];
n8 [label = '@@4-2\\n@@5-2'];
// plaintext nodes
node [shape = plaintext, width = 2, height = 0.5];
t1 [label = 'Control group'];
t2 [label = '@@6']
// invisible nodes
node [shape = point, width = 0, height = 0];
i1 [style = invis];
i2 [style = invis];
i3 [style = invis];
i4 [style = invis];
i5 [style = invis];
{rank = same Allocation n3 i2};
// edge statements
{rank = same; Enrollment n1};
n1 -> i1 [arrowhead = none, minlen = 1];
{rank = same; i1 -> n2 [minlen = 17]};
i1 -> n3;
{rank = same; Allocation n3};
n3 -> t1 [minlen = 0.5 ];
{rank = same; Analysis n4};
t1 -> i5 [arrowhead = none];
i5 -> n4;
{rank = same; n3 -> i2 [arrowhead = none, minlen = 9]};
i2 -> t2;
t2 -> n5;
n5 -> i3 [arrowhead = none];
{rank = same; i3 -> n6 [minlen = 5]};
i3 -> i4 [arrowhead = none];
{rank = same; n7 -> i4 [arrowhead = none, minlen = 1]};
{rank = same; i5 n7 };
i5 -> n7 [minlen = 1, dir = back];
i4 -> n8;
n4 -> n8 [style = invis, minlen = 5];
{rank = same; n4 n8};
[1]: excl
[2]: paste0('(', necases, ' cases; ', necbc, ' CBCs)')
[3]: years
[4]: lbl
[5]: paste0('(', nlcases, ' cases; ', nlcbc, ' CBCs)')
[6]: paste0('Sepsis\\nbased on ', icd)